hsc executable for the preprocessor hscdepp executable for the dependency-procreator hsc.prefs contains html-syntax-definition CHANGES program history README short introduction IMPORTANT where to start and what to read COPYING The GNU General public license example/ a short example project grafflwerk/ miscellaneous stuff that might be useful docs/ documentation drawer; start browsing `index.html' src_docs/ hsc-sources for documentation drawer; as example
If this release contains some major changes, there is also a file named "Hmpf_Grmbl_Wrcks", dealing with the most important in-combat-ibilities and promising that this will never be neccessary again.
This archive is available from the hsc-support-w3page and aminet:text/hyper/hsc.lha.
README Instruction how to modify the Makefile COPYING The GNU General public license Makefile Makefile to compile the wohle thing Makefile.dodl Makefile for CC and weenixes hsclib/ parser-functions hscprj/ project-management-functions hsc/ hsc, the preprocessor hscdepp/ hscdepp, the dependency-procreator ugly/ my personal function library; experimental stuff
This archive is available from the hsc-support-w3page and aminet:text/hyper/hsc-source.lha.
A compilation of the two above archives. Contains everything exept the AmigaOS-executables. Ment to be compiled on other OS-es.
This archive is only available from the hsc-support-w3page.